
New Publications Available
Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD)

For further information on the ACD, please go to:

Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-national
program of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC: and the International Permafrost Association (IPA: and a regional project of the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Programme's (IGBP) Land-Ocean Interactions in the
Coastal Zone (LOICZ: The overall objective is to
improve understanding of circum-arctic coastal dynamics as a function of
environmental forcing, coastal geology, and permafrost and morphodynamic
behavior. The ACD has two new publications available:

(1) The scientific results of the ACD project derived up to now are
summarized in "Geo-Marine Letters", Volume 25, Number 2-3, June 2005

The contents include:

  • Arctic Coastal Dynamics - An Introduction (V. Rachold, F.E. Are, D.E.
    Atkinson, G. Cherkashov, and S.M. Solomon)
  • Classification of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast and estimation of
    carbon and sediment inputs from coastal erosion (M.T. Jorgenson and J.
  • Electronic atlas of the Russian arctic coastal zone (D.S. Drozdov,
    F.M. Rivkin, V. Rachold, G.V. Ananjeva-Malkova, N.V. Ivanova, I.V.
    Chehina, M.M. Koreisha, Yu.V. Korostelev, and E.S. Melnikov)
  • Morphogenetic classification of the arctic coastal zone (S.L.
    Nikiforov, Yu.A. Pavlidis, V. Rachold, M.N. Grigoriev, F.M. Rivkin, N.V.
    Ivanova, and M.M. Koreisha)
  • Observed storminess patterns and trends in the circum-arctic coastal
    regime (D.E. Atkinson)
  • Coastal dynamics at the Barents and Kara Sea key sites (A. Vasiliev,
    M. Kanevskiy, G. Cherkashov, and B. Vanshtein)
  • Using thermoterrace dimensions to calculate the coastal erosion rate
    (F.E. Are, M.N. Grigoriev, H.W. Hubberten, and V. Rachold)
  • Spatial and temporal variability of shoreline change in the
    Beaufort-Mackenzie Region, Northwest Territories, Canada (S.M. Solomon)
  • Spatial variability of factors influencing coastal change in the
    western Canadian Arctic (G.K. Manson, S.M. Solomon, D.L. Forbes, D.E.
    Atkinson, and M. Craymer)
  • The role of sea ice in coastal and bottom dynamics in the Pechora Sea
    (S.A. Ogorodov, A.M. Kamalov, G.K. Zubakin, and Yu.P. Gudoshnikov)
  • Studying changes of ice coasts in the European Arctic (A.I. Sharov)
  • Offshore permafrost and gas hydrate stability zone on the shelf of
    East Siberian Seas (N.N. Romanovskii, H.W. Hubberten, A.V. Gavrilov,
    A.A. Eliseeva, and G.S. Tipenko)
  • Submarine permafrost in the nearshore zone of the southwestern Kara
    Sea (P. Rekant, G. Cherkashev, B. Vanstein, and P. Krinitsky)
  • Human impacts on coastal stability in the Pechora Sea (S.A. Ogorodov)
  • An application of a Markov-chain model of shore erosion for describing
    the dynamics of sediment flux (V. Ostroumov, V. Rachold, A. Vasiliev,
    and V. Sorokovikov)

(2) The report of the 5th International Workshop of the ACD project held
in Montreal, 13-16 October 2004 has been published in the journal
"Reports on Polar and Marine Research", Volume 506 edited by V. Rachold,
H. Lantuit, N. Couture, and W. Pollard. Hardcopies can be obtained from
the ACD secretariat (vrachold [at], a PDF version can be
downloaded from the ACD website: