
Call for Abstracts
13th Ocean Sciences Meeting - A Joint Meeting of ASLO, TOS, and AGU
OS 002: The Right Stuff: Graduate and Post-Graduate Training for
Interdisciplinary Research Careers
20-24 February 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii

Abstract Submission Deadlines:
13 October 2005 (postal submissions)
20 October 2005 (electronic submissions)

Further information and abstract submission is available at:

Dear Polar Ocean Colleagues,

We most cordially encourage you to submit an abstract to the following
special session on interdisciplinary training for graduate students and
recent Ph.D. graduates planned for the upcoming AGU/ASLO/TOS Ocean
Sciences Meeting being held 20-24 February 2006 in Honolulu, Hawaii:

OS 002: The Right Stuff: Graduate and Post-Graduate Training for
Interdisciplinary Research Careers

Session Description:
We tend to think of the Ph.D. as the end of the educational cycle. Yet
for many graduates, and especially those working on interdisciplinary
questions, the roller coaster ride of professional training is far from
over. After years of specialization, today's graduates increasingly find
themselves on a multidimensional trajectory that requires a breadth of
knowledge sufficient to make connections between distant disciplines,
and establishment of a global network of colleagues from divergent
backgrounds. The historic divide between the natural and social sciences
must often be bridged as well. On top of all this, work must
increasingly be placed in a context relevant to and understandable by
managers and policy makers. How can we better prepare students and new
professionals for these challenges? In this session we will take a
top-down and bottom-up approach, requesting presentations by established
faculty, program and institutional representatives and by students and
recent graduates, who have developed or have suggestions concerning
effective strategies to address these concerns at the graduate or
post-doctoral level. We welcome papers from all institutions and
countries describing institutional reform, long or short courses,
symposia, seminars, workshops, professional-society activities, informal
interactions, and other means to address early-career development,
communication across disciplines, working as part of an
interdisciplinary or international team, and other topics related to
work on complex environmental systems.

C. Susan Weiler
Office for Earth System Studies
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: 509-527-5948
E-mail: weiler [at]

Linda E. Duguay
University of Southern California
Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies
Sea Grant Program
3616 Trousdale Parkway - AHF 209F
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0373
Phone: 213-821-1335
E-mail: duguay [at]

Susan B. Cook
Education Programs Office
Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE)
1201 New York Avenue, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-448-1223
E-mail: scook [at]