
Call for Papers
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2005 Fall Meeting
Session ED 17: Deciphering Data - Communicating Research Activities and
Findings to Diverse Audiences
5-9 December 2005
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 8 September 2005

For further information on the AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, please go to:

If you are planning to attend the AGU meeting, please consider
submitting an abstract to:

Education Session ED 17: Deciphering Data - Communicating Research
Activities and Findings to Diverse Audiences

If you are already submitting a science abstract, you are also allowed
to submit another abstract for an ED session, allowing a lead author up
to two abstracts for the meeting. Educators who use data in the
classroom and others who have developed strategies for making data
accessible to non-research audiences are strongly encouraged to
participate in this session. A particular emphasis will be on how data
can be communicated and contextualized to diverse audiences during the
International Polar Year and other international research efforts.

Session Description:
Data, so central to scientific research yet of ever-increasing diversity
and volume, are often difficult to access or comprehend, even by other
scientists, let alone by non-technical audiences. What are exemplars of
efforts to contextualize and communicate to audiences outside a
particular research discipline how data are generated and analyzed? How
can such efforts to "translate" data and make them more accessible be
evaluated and enhanced? What strategies and approaches will allow
upcoming international research initiatives (IPY, IHY, eGY) to serve as
opportunities to convey the human dimension of scientific research to
diverse audiences? Researchers engaged in education, outreach and other
"Broader Impacts" efforts will be encouraged to participate in this

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