
Call for Papers
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2005 Fall Meeting
Session A 08: Snow, Ice, and Water Surfaces in Polar Atmospheric
5-9 December 2005
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 8 September 2005

For further information on the AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, please go to:

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to this special session at this
year's AGU fall meeting:

A 08: Snow, Ice, and Water Surfaces in Polar Atmospheric Chemistry

Session Description:
Low temperatures, a persistent snow cover, and an ocean that is often
ice-covered, along with extreme variations in solar energy input (i.e.
polar night vs. day), combine to produce a unique set of interactions
and exchanges between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface in polar
regions. These exchanges are occurring in the context of a changing
climate, and thus changing surface.

We solicit contributions that address how physical, chemical, and
biological exchanges between reservoirs affect atmospheric and snow/ice
chemical composition, aerosols cloud cover, radiation and the input of
toxic chemicals to polar environments, and how these processes are
impacted by climate change. Experimental, modeling, and theoretical
studies are welcome.

A number of international efforts are underway to develop comprehensive
experiments on polar air-surface exchange. This special session will
provide a forum to discuss these initiatives, the science behind them,
and exciting new results. The session is dedicated to the memory of Gerd
Honninger; therefore, we especially encourage submission of polar
halogen chemistry studies.

Matthew Sturm, U.S. Army CRREL-Alaska
E-mail: msturm [at]

William R. Simpson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: wrs [at] gi.alaska

Ulrich Platt, University of Heidelberg
E-mail: Ulrich.Platt [at]

Harry Beine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNA) - Istituto
Inquinamento Atmosferico (IIA)
E-mail: Harry [at]