
New Book Available
"White Sea: Its Marine Environment and Ecosystem Dynamics Influenced by
Global Change"
By: Nikolai Filatov, Dmitry Pozdnyakov, Ola M. Johannessen, Lasse H.
Pettersson, and Leonid P. Bobylev
ISBN 3-540-20541-1
504 Pages
Price: $209 USD

For further information or to order the book, please click,11855,4-40109-22-3502…

This book brings together the results from a wide range of
environmental, ecological, and socioeconomic studies based on extensive
data analysis and numerical modelling simulations. It provides a
quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of the White Sea marine
ecosystems, including scenarios for future anthropogenic and climate
change forcing. Amongst the subjects explored in depth are: extensive
historical marine and riverine data records; an examination of the White
Sea ecosystem profile; the application of satellite Earth observation
investigations into changes in regional physical oceanography and marine
ecology; challenges of data assimilation in ocean and ecosystem
modelling; the extent of the present state-of-the-art and future
developments in the region; socio-economic impact of ecological changes;
and an integrated assessment of the state of the ecology, vulnerability,
and sustainability of the White Sea.

- Geography of the White Sea and its watershed (Litvinenko et al.)
- White Sea watershed hydrology and anthropogenic impact (Ivanov and
- Climate of the White Sea catchment and scenarios of climate and river
runoff changes (Filatov et al.)
- Oceanographic regime (Filatov et al.)
- Aquatic ecosystem profile (Makarevich and Krasnov)
- Satellite oceanography: New results (Pozdnyakov et al.)
- Economy of the White Sea watershed area (Terzhevik et al.)
- Geographic Information Systems for managing the ecosystem and living
resources of the White Sea (Filatov et al.)
- Water quality assessment and the problem of marine ecosystem stability
(Denisov and Shavykin)
- Numerical simulations of the White Sea hydrodynamics and marine
ecosystem (Bashmachnikov et al.)

For further information or to order the book, please click,11855,4-40109-22-3502….