
Call for Abstracts
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2005 Fall Meeting
Session C 02: Intrapermafrost Gas Hydrates and Their Relationship to
Geohazard and Global Climate Change
5-9 December 2005
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 8 September 2005

For further information on the AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, please go to:

Dear Colleague,

We would like to draw your attention to the following special session at
this year's AGU Fall Meeting:

C 02: Intrapermafrost Gas Hydrates and Their Relationship to Geohazard
and Global Climate Change

Session Description:
Gas hydrates are known to be widespread in arctic environments in
association with deep permafrost. Recent studies have shown that they
may be sensitive to climate warming and play a role releasing methane
from degrading permafrost landscapes. This session will allow for
multidisciplinary presentations on the geology, geochemistry,
microbiology, and geomechanics of gas hydrates and free gas within
permafrost regions.

Scott R. Dallimore
Geological Survey of Canada
P.O. Box 6000
Sidney, BC V8L 4S1
sdallimo [at]

Timothy S. Collett
U.S. Geological Survey
MS 939, Box 25046
Denver, CO 80225
tcollett [at]

William J. Winters
U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
bwinters [at]

Sponsor: Cryosphere
CoSponsor: Global Environmental Change