
Education/Outreach Website
Beaufort Gyre Expedition Project
1-31 August 2005

To follow the expedition, go to:

For further information, please contact:
Chris Linder, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
E-mail: clinder [at]

Scientists from the United States, Canada, and Japan studying arctic
climate change will set out August 1st for a month-long expedition to
the Beaufort Sea aboard the Canadian icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent.
They will use an array of newly-developed instruments to measure the
environment above, below, and within the floating icepack.

Join the research team on the ice and aboard the icebreaker through the
expedition website. The site features project and instrument
descriptions, a history of the exploration of the Beaufort Gyre, and
dispatches and photos updated from the field.

To follow the expedition, go to: