
Second Announcement
Workshop on Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: Past and Present
Copenhagen, Denmark
8-9 November 2005

For further information, please contact:
Olivia Low
E-mail: o.low [at]

An international workshop on "Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: Past and
Present" will be held at the Rungstedgaard conference centre and hotel,
located on the coast just outside Copenhagen, on 8-9 November 2005. It
will immediately precede the ICARP-II conference (International
Conference on Arctic Research Planning, 10-13 November 2005). The
workshop organizers hope that many delegates will choose to attend both
meetings. This international workshop is intended to be a forum in which
scientists in this field can present their latest results and can
discuss how the community can work together to achieve a more integrated
approach to arctic ice thickness mapping in the future.

Paper and poster contributions are welcome. The EU will be publishing
the proceedings as a handsome volume. To present a poster, please send
Olivia Low (o.low [at] your name together with an abstract.
To present a paper, please send in your title and abstract. Speakers
will be contacted to confirm whether their paper fit the program. Once
organizers have assessed the level of interest, they will also advise
speakers on the length of time they can speak.

For further information, including registration and accommodation
specifics, please contact:

Olivia Low
Secretary to Peter Wadhams
University of Cambridge
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge, CB3 0WA
Phone: (0) 1223 760 370
Fax: (0) 1223 760 493
E-mail: o.low [at]