
Request for Comments
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
Draft Implementation Workshop Report

Comment Deadline: Friday, 29 July 2005
Send Comments via email to: helen [at]

For more information and to download the draft report, please click below:

Dear Colleague,

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change program (SEARCH), a U.S.
program that seeks to understand the nature, extent, and future
development of the system-scale changes in the Arctic, is preparing
community recommendations for scientific research priorities to be
implemented during the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY) and
beyond. The developing priorities are summarized in a draft report,
which we are now making available for broad community review.

This report, "Study of Environmental Arctic Change: Plans for
Implementation During the International Polar Year and Beyond--Report of
the SEARCH Implementation Workshop, May 23 - 25, 2005", draws from a
number of sources and community discussions. These sources include the
initial SEARCH Science Plan (2001) and Implementation Strategy (2003);
white papers prepared by the three SEARCH panels that were convened to
work with the SEARCH Science Steering Committee to plan and coordinate
the broad spectrum of SEARCH activities; community input received in
response to the white papers posted on the Internet; and discussions
during the SEARCH Implementation Workshop held 23-25 May 2005 at the
National Conference Center in Lansdowne, Virginia.

The report has been developed in a very compressed time frame because of
its urgency for IPY and related planning efforts. The draft is,
therefore, not as refined or fully developed as most reports of this
nature would be at the community review stage. The SEARCH Science
Steering Committee, workshop organizing committee, and panel chairs ask
that reviewers keep the "rough draft" nature of this document in mind
and focus primarily on the main scientific questions and priorities: Are
the science questions well articulated? Are the priority activities
clearly identified? Do the science questions and priority activities
address the SEARCH scientific goals? We appreciate review comments that
clarify science questions, provide additional scientific explanation and
justification for key points, or provide additional background and
information about critical priorities and the phasing of implementation.

We anticipate that the final report will be available in August 2005.

You may download a PDF of the draft report below:

Review comments may be sent by email to Helen Wiggins helen [at]
and should be submitted no later than Friday, 29 July 2005. Please
reference page numbers and sections clearly so that we can easily track
and integrate your review comments.

We hope you will find the time to read the draft report and to send us
your comments. Thanks in advance for your contributions.

schlosser [at]
Chair, SEARCH Science Steering Committee