
National Research Council Icebreaker Committee Membership

Committee membership has been posted on the National Academies
website and is open for comments through Monday, 18 July 2005.

The website is available…

Polar icebreakers capable of operating in ice are essential for the
United States to conduct operations in the Antarctic and the Arctic
regions. The National Academies has formed a committee for the
assessment of U.S. Coast Guard polar icebreaker roles and future needs.
The committee will conduct a study to assess the role of Coast Guard
polar icebreakers in supporting United States operations in the
Antarctic and the Arctic, including scenarios for continuing those
operations and alternative approaches, the roles of polar icebreakers in
the support of and conduct of programs that support various national
priorities, and potential changes in the roles of Coast Guard
icebreakers in the Arctic that may develop due to environmental change.

(See the 11 February 2005 ArcticInfo posting of the Call for

The committee membership has been posted on the National Academies
website and is open for comments through Monday, 18 July 2005.

The website is available….

A feedback submission link is available at the bottom of the web page
listing committee membership.