
New Website Available
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Danish Polar Center

The website is available at:

Climate change in the Arctic may happen faster and more dramatically
than any other place on Earth. The consequences for vegetation, animals,
and people all over the globe will be heavy. This is the topic for a new
website, which the Danish Polar Center has produced for the Danish
Environmental Protection Agency. The site's target audience is
high-school students, but also people with a general interest in arctic
society and science.

This first version of the website contains primarily a library with
links and references. A new version will be launched in late summer 2005
containing themes and cases. The themes and cases will offer a wide
range of information about melting of glaciers and sea-ice, sea-level
rise, weakened ocean currents, and the possible extinction of polar
bears and seals, as well as the future of the indigenous communities,
new opportunities for agriculture, new shipping routes, and easier
access to the natural resources in the Arctic.

The website is part of the follow-up on the report "Impacts of a Warming
Arctic - Arctic Climate Impact Assessment" (ACIA) from November 2004.
The site is in Danish, English, and Greenlandish and will be updated
regularly. The site has been produced with funds from the Danish
Ministry of Environment's programme Environmental Assistance to the
Arctic in cooperation with the Danish Polar Center.

The website is available at: