
Position Announcement
Assistant Professor/Research Associate
Environment and Landscape Dynamics with Specialization in Spatial Modelling
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden

Application Deadline: Thursday, 1 September 2005

For further information, please see:

Uppsala University announces the availability of an assistant
professor/research associate position in environment and landscape
dynamics with specialization in spatial modelling. The position is at
the Department of Earth Sciences within the Environment and Landscape
Dynamics programme (ELD).

The ELD currently conducts research in periglacial geomorphology,
glaciology, isotope geochemistry from arctic paleoarchieves, and
mountain cartography.

The programme is in search of an applicant active within one or several
of the branches of exogene landscape dynamics with extensive experience
in GIS-based modelling and spatial modelling of process-based
geoscientific information.

Your application should be directed to:
Uppsala University
Registrar's Office
Ref. No. UFV/PA 2005/2090
Box 256, S-751 05
Uppsala, Sweden

Fax: +46 18 471 2000

Application Deadline: Thursday, 1 September 2005

Further information on the post is available from:
Head of Programme, Docent Veijo Pohjola
Phone: +46 18 471 2509
E-mail: Veijo.Pohjola [at]

Professor Else Kolstrup
Phone +46 18 471 2516
E-mail: Else.Kolstrup [at]

For the full advertisement, please see: