
June Issue of "ARCTIC"
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

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The following papers appear in the June 2005 issue of ARCTIC, Journal of
the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA).

"Digesting the Message about Contaminants and Country Foods in the
Canadian North: A Review and Recommendations for Future Research and
By: C.M. Furgal, S. Powell, and H. Myers

"The Commoditization of Country Foods in Nunavik: A Comparative
Assessment of its Development, Applications, and Significance"
By: Nicole Gombay

"Common Eider (Somateria mollissima v-nigrum) Nest Cover and Depredation
on Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea Barrier Islands"
By: Lynn E. Noel, Stephen R. Johnson, Gillian M. O'Doherty, and Matthew
K. Butcher

"Comparing Maps of Mean Monthly Surface Temperature and Precipitation
for Alaska and Adjacent Areas of Canada Produced by Two Different
By: James J. Simpson, Gary L. Hufford, Christopher Daly, Jared S. Berg,
and Michael D. Fleming

"Extratropical Cyclones and Precipitation within the Canadian Archipelago
during the Cold Season"
By: Matthew R. Intihar and Ronald E. Stewart

"Denesoline (Chipewyan) Knowledge of Barren-Ground Caribou (Rangifer
tarandus groenlandicus) Movements"
By: A. Kendrick, P.O'B. Lyver, and Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation

"Movements of Walruses Radio-tagged in Bristol Bay, Alaska"
By: Chadwick V. Jay and Sue Hills

"Demography and Viability of a Hunted Population of Polar Bears"
By: Mitchell K. Taylor, Jeff Laake, Philip D. McLoughlin, Erik W. Born,
H. Dean Cluff, Steven H. Ferguson, Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid, Ray
Schweinsburg, and François Messier

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