
Call For Papers
"People and Environmental Change in the Hudson Bay Region:
Beginning the Next Step"

Final Due Date: 1 October 2005

For further information, please contact:
Rick Riewe, University of Manitoba
E-mail: riewerr [at]

"People and Environmental Change in the Hudson Bay Region: Beginning the
Next Step" is a refereed book of submissions linking people's
perspectives on environmental change with the impact of environmental
change on people in the Hudson Bay region.

Submissions from elders, scientists, practitioners, health
professionals, youth, hunters and trappers, northerners, tourist
operators, graduate students, educators, cultural leaders, consultants,
to name a few examples, may be in the form of:
- Research Papers
- Poetry
- Plays
- Story Telling
- Songs
- Photo/Art Essays

Topics focus on people and environment in the Hudson Bay region and may
- The impact of changes in environmental events, such as freeze up,
break up, thermokarst activity, flora, fauna, land forms, freshwater
flow, and water/snow/ice conditions on Inuit lifestyles;
- Traditional terms for environment and environmental change, and
weather phenomena; and
- The impact of environmental change on people's food, shelter,
lifestyles, health, economy, culture, land claims, and tourism.

This project is co-funded by ARCTICNET and the Aboriginal Issues Press.

All Submissions must include name(s) of author(s), one sentence
biography for each author, 50 word summary, title, and maximum 10 pages
(including photos/dialogue/research text/art/graphs/charts). For all
text please double space, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, APA writer's
style. Please save in either Word or AdobeCS (IBM), if this poses a
problem please phone 204-474-9768 for alternate computer program

Early submissions are welcome. The final due date is 1 October 2005.
Please e-mail your submission to Rick Riewe at the University of
Manitoba (riewerr [at]