
Faculty Position Available
Arctic Biology
The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
Svalbard, Norway

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 10 May 2005

For further information, please go to:

The Department of Arctic Biology at the University Centre in Svalbard
(UNIS) invites applications for a faculty position in terrestrial
eco-physiology. Positions at UNIS carry significant responsibilities in
research and teaching, as well as supervising M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.

Position Description
The announced position is newly established and will be allocated to the
terrestrial research group. The department is seeking candidates with a
well documented research background in eco-physiology, and the
successful candidate will be expected to persue research in this field
with special focus on functions and processes within arctic terrestrial
ecosystems. The research fields of the two existing positions of the
terrestrial biology group at UNIS are both organism oriented and focus
on trophic interactions within arctic ecosystems, one from the plant
point of view and the other form the herbivore point of view. This new
position would therefore facilitate a more coherent approach within the
research group in understanding conditions for organisms and ecological
processes in arctic environments as well as feedback mechanisms between
terrestrial ecosystems and climate under different climate scenarios in
high arctic ecosystems.

It is expected that the person appointed to this job will conduct an
active, productive research programme in his\her field, and will
supervise Masters and Ph.D. students. The teaching associated with this
position includes partial responsibility for the four core courses in
UNIS's one-year senior-undergraduate programme, as well as being
responsible for teaching one of the graduate courses offered at UNIS:
Arctic Winter Ecology (this course is currently under planning). The
position will be offered to the best candidate in terms of quality and
quantity of research, as well as teaching experience. Additionally,
research background and the potential for planning and building an
active research group within arctic terrestrial ecology will be
considered. The candidates must further fit into the department's
long-term research-profile objectives (found at

Applicants for the position must be able to document their
qualifications as Full or Associate Professor. To be considered for the
position of Associate Professor a Ph.D. in an appropriate field, or its
equivalent, is the minimum requirement. All qualifications must be
documented as UNIS does not evaluate applicants for professorships.

Applicants are also requested to document their pedagogic qualifications
and experience.

An expert Committee will evaluate the qualifications of the applicants.
The committee will review in detail the quality of the scientific work
done by the candidates. Furthermore, the applicants background from
previous work on Svalbard and other arctic regions will be stressed, as
well as their pedagogic qualifications. It is essential that the
successful candidate has the right qualifications and experience. It is
also important that the person who is appointed have the ability to work
independently, has a positive attitude, and is flexible. A
well-established international network is desirable in order to
strengthen the internationalization of the teaching offered at UNIS.

The appointment will be made by the Board of UNIS based on the
recommendation from the committee and the director.

To apply, submit three copies of:
- curriculum vitae (including a full list of publications and previously
held grants);
- education, pedagogic, or teaching certificates (including a list of
previously supervised students); and
- five publications (authored or co-authored by the candidate) that
he\she wants to have evaluated for consideration for appointment to this

Please note that the committee could ask for further documentation or
copies of parts or the complete scientific production described by the

Send applications to:
The University Centre in Svalbard
P.O. Box 156
N-9171 Longyearbyen

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Application inquiries about this position may be directed to:
Jorgen Berge, Associate Professor
Phone: + 47 79 02 33 41
E-mail: jorgen.berge [at]

or to:
Lasse Lonnum, UNIS Director
Phone: + 47 79 02 33 05
E-mail: lasse.lonnum [at]