
Ph.D. Position Available
Seabird Ecology
Norwegian Polar Institute

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 10 May 2005

A Ph.D. position is available at the Norwegian Polar Institute in Marine
Ecology, involving studies of seabirds in the Arctic. The position is
linked to a research project MariClim "marine ecosystem consequences of
climate induced changes in water masses off West-Spitsbergen", which is
coordinated by the Norwegian Polar Institute and financed by the
Norwegian Research Council's NORKLIMA program.

Project Description
The candidate will be involved in a large, interdisciplinary project
with studies of seabirds (Little Auk (Alle alle) and Black-legged
Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)) including energy expenditure, feeding
ecology, and their spatial distribution in relation to the oceanographic
conditions, sea ice, and distribution and abundance of prey (zooplankton
and polar cod (Boreogadus saida)) in Kongsfjorden/Krossfjorden in
Svalbard. The spatial distribution of Little Auks and Kittiwakes at sea
will be determined by ship-based surveys and the use of telemetry
systems (to determine position and activity). Important feeding areas
will be determined in order to relate this to changes in oceanographic
conditions and prey abundance. In addition to the determination of the
feeding ecology of Little auks and Kittiwakes researchers will also
determine how changes in the availability of food have an influence on
the energy and time budgets of adult birds and the growth and survival
of chicks. Long-term data from seabird colonies in Kongsfjorden will
also be analysed to determine relationships between environmental
conditions (sea and air temperature, oceanography, and sea ice),
biological production and the growth and survival of the chicks from
both seabird species. Dietary information, caloric content of prey
consumed, population sizes of the predators, abundance and distribution
of prey etc. will be integrated into foraging energetics models to
explore how predicted changes in lower trophic levels due to climate
change are likely to affect the population dynamics of Little auks and
Kittiwakes in the Kongsfjorden/Krossfjorden area. As part of the project
the candidate must take part in field work (2005-2007) and participate
in research ship cruises in 2006-2007.

The applicant should have a graduate degree in marine ecology or
equivalent education with relevant course combination. It is desirable
that the applicant has qualifications in quantitative analyses (e.g.
statistics, mathematics, physics) in addition to marine ecology.
Experience with studies of behavior, feeding ecology, and population
ecology is a plus.

The position is formally linked to the Norwegian Polar Institute.
Academically, the position will be under the Norwegian College of
Fishery Science, University of Tromso. The candidate will be supervised
by experienced researchers at the Norwegian Polar Institute and at the
University of Tromso.

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Geir Wing Gabrielsen (Project Leader) or Dr. Haakon Hop
Norwegian Polar Institute
N-9296 Tromso, Norway

Phone: +47 77 75 05 00

Applications with curriculum vitae and copy of transcripts can be sent
to the address above or by e-mail to:
postmottak [at]

Please do not submit original transcripts, since these will not be
returned. The application deadline is 10 May 2005. Women are encouraged
to apply.