
New Publication Available
"Into the Ice Sea"
By: J.J. Zeeberg
ISBN 90 5170 787 8
Available in paperback (Euro 29.50) and hardbound (Euro 39.50)

For further information or to order the book, please contact:
Rozenberg Publishers
E-mail: info [at]

For U.S. and Canadian orders, please contact:
Purdue University Press:
E-mail: order [at]

Archaeologists connected with Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum journeyed into the
Russian Arctic to rediscover the graves, ship, and wintering cabin of
Willem Barents' expedition, lost 400 years ago on the shores of a remote
arctic island while charting a passage to Asia.

"Into the Ice Sea" is the account of several expeditions during the
1990s and their historical parallels of four centuries. The expeditions
were designed to gain further insight into the motives, strategies, and
tools of the sixteenth-century explorers. With the original journal from
Barents' ship in hand, a view of the Arctic is presented through the
eyes of a sixteenth-century explorer.

Included are highlights of the journals published by Jan Huyghen van
Linschoten (1600) and Gerrit de Veer (1598), featuring descriptions of
Japan, a whale hunt, contact with the Nenets, and the "Novaya Zemlya
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