
Deadline Reminder
Online Poll Available from ARCUS
"NSF Arctic Sciences Section Proposal Target Date"

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, 18 April 2005

The poll is available online at:

View the responses submitted to-date at:

ARCUS is conducting an online poll to assess U.S. researchers
preferences for the annual target date for proposals to the National
Science Foundation Arctic Sciences Section. Please take a few minutes to
respond to this very simple and short questionnaire.

In October 2004, the Arctic Sciences Section of the NSF Office of Polar
Programs released an updated program solicitation for proposals to
conduct research and education. The complete solicitation (NSF 05-514)
is available at:

The solicitation announced a change to a single annual target date for
proposals to all Arctic Sciences Section programs. The 2005 deadline was
24 January.

As we understand it, a number of factors led to establishing a single
deadline, but there is some flexibility in when that deadline might
occur. One factor highly relevant to the research community was that,
with two target dates, proposals competing for a single fiscal year's
funding were arbitrarily divided into two groups.

Community interest in the timing of the new proposal deadline has led
ARCUS to conduct an online poll of the U.S. arctic research community to
get feedback on researchers' recommendations on the best timing for an
annual deadline in future years.

The poll is available online at:

View the responses submitted to-date at:

Please take a moment to complete this single question poll and identify
what you consider the best week of the year for a target date. The
results will be summarized and posted on the ARCUS website as a graph.
Information received through this community survey also will be
forwarded to the National Science Foundation.

The deadline for submission of recommendations through this poll is
Monday, 18 April 2005.