
Field Research Opportunity
Summer 2005
Toolik Lake Field Station, Alaska

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 20 April 2005

For further information, please contact:
Professor Jeff Welker
University of Alaska Anchorage
E-mail: afjmw1 [at]

This summer a research opportunity at Toolik Lake, Alaska is available
to a suitable candidate to study how long term increases in snow and
summer temperatures affect plant, soil, and trace gas processes in
tussock and dry tundra. This is part of an ongoing NSF funded experiment
that contributes to the International Tundra Experiment. The study was
initiated in 1994.

This summer the project is focusing on three main areas and seeks
candidates qualified to undertake such studies. First, we are interested
in summer-long rates of soil respiration, peak season biomass, and soil
C & N pools. Applicants are sought who can spend approximately 100 days
at the field station (mid-May to late August); who have experience
working on plant, soil, and/or trace gas studies; who have field
experience in harsh environments; and who have experience conducting
ecological studies in arctic or alpine settings. Individuals with BS,
MS, or finishing Ph.D. students will be considered. Living
accommodations, meals, and a stipend of $1500 USD per month will be

Applications should consist of a cover letter, a resume describing
relevant experience and accomplishments, and names of three references.

Please submit applications by 20 April to:
Professor Jeff Welker
Environment and Natural Resources Institute & Biology Department
University of Alaska Anchorage
E-mail: afjmw1 [at]