
Ph.D. Opportunity
Dynamic European Climate-Vegetation Impacts and Interactions (DECVEG)
University of Oulu, Finland

Application Deadline: Monday, 25 April 2005

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Sheila Hicks
E-mail: sheila.hicks [at]

Applications are invited for a three-year Ph.D. contract, beginning June
2005, as part of the European Science Foundation EuroCLIMATE project,
Dynamic European Climate-Vegetation Impacts and Interactions (DECVEG).
The Ph.D. student will work as a member of the DECVEG team and focus on
the spatial aspects of vegetation/climate calibrations for specified
time windows during the last 11,000 years using a modern pollen sample
data set as reference material. DECVEG will use different models to
investigate vegetation/climate relationships throughout Europe but the
Oulu student will be concerned more specifically with the situation in

The successful candidate will have completed a degree in biology,
physical geography, quaternary geology, or a related topic. He/she
should have experience in GIS, and the use of relational databases, and
a good background in plant ecology. Knowledge of the theory of pollen
analysis would be considered an advantage. He/she should be prepared to
travel and also be able to converse easily in English, since the project
is highly international and interdisciplinary.

The application may be written in either English or Finnish. It should
include a CV and verified copies of the relevant degree, employment, and
language proficiency certificates. It should also include a 1-2 page
review explaining the interest that the candidate has in this topic and
the skills and experience that he/she will bring to the research group.
Please, additionally provide the name and telephone number of two people
who may, if necessary, be contacted as a reference. Applications should
be sent to:
Dr. Sheila Hicks
Institute of Geosciences
PL 3000
90014 University of Oulu

E-mail: sheila.hicks [at]

Application Deadline: Monday, 25 April 2005