
Second Announcement
Terrestrial Photogrammetry Boulder 2005 (TPB2005)
University of Colorado
11-13 May 2005

For further information, please go to:

Terrestrial Photogrammetry for geoscientists, architects, and engineers.
Learn to use modern digital photogrammetry to create scaled, oriented 3D
models of natural and manufactured objects from ground-based and
low-aerial camera images. The user is in control of the entire process,
including project planning, image acquisition, and execution. Trained
users can create a usable 3D model in just a few hours.

This three-day, hands-on tutorial will be held in the CU-Boulder
Engineering Center. It is intended for those with little-to-no prior
experience in photogrammetry and uses EOS PhotoModeler 5.1 software on
classroom computers.

SPECIAL FOR 2005: This year's workshop will offer concentrations in
techniques for applications in glaciology, geomorphology, and other
studies involving mapping of natural landscapes, including single-photo
models and recovery of information from photographs of unknown origin.
Please contact us with your specific interests.

HOUSING SPECIAL: Conference rates have been offered to TPB2005
participants at the Boulder Inn, conveniently located within a 5 minute
walk of the workshop meeting place.

Workshop includes:
- Principles of stereophotogrammetry
- Creating basic 3D models from photographs
- Defining object geometry: lines, curves, planes, point clouds
- Surface rendering
- Coordinate extraction
- Model accuracy
- Data export to CAD and other destinations
- Project planning and image acquisition
- Camera requirements

For further information and registration, please go to:

or e-mail:
photogrammetry [at]