
Logistical Support Available in Russia
Cooperative Programs/Science Liaison Office
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
NSF Office of Polar Programs

For further information, please go to:…

The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), in
cooperation with the NSF Office of Polar Programs and Directorate for
Geosciences, operates a Cooperative Programs/Science Liaison Office in
Moscow, Russia. This Office provides on-site support for OPP- and
GEO-sponsored cooperative activities in Russia in the geosciences and in
Arctic research. The Office makes available its office space and
facilities (including personal computer, Internet connections, facsimile
and photocopy machines) to OPP and GEO staff, their grantees traveling
in the region, and their Russian partners. Office staff is also
available to assist visiting OPP and GEO staff and their grantees with
logistical support for scheduling meetings, site visits, etc. Costs
associated with transportation, interpretation services, hotels, and
meals are the responsibility of the traveler or his/her organization.

To view a full description of the services offered by the Cooperative
Programs/Science Liaison Office, please see the CRDF website:…

For questions or more information, please contact:
Dr. Marianna Voevodskaya, Director
CRDF/NSF Cooperative Programs/Science Liaison Office
32a Leninskiy Prospect, Room 603
119334 Moscow, Russia
Phone: (7-095) 938-5151
Fax: (7-095) 938-1838
E-mail: voevodsk [at] and marianna [at]

Ms. Siri Oswald, Director
Cooperative Grants Programs
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
1530 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22209 USA
Phone: 703-526-9720
Fax: 703-526-9721
E-mail: soswald [at]