
Workshop Announcement
Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Arctic
Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (LAII) Program
20-21 January 2005
Seattle, WA

Requests for more information or to participate should be sent to:
Barb Hameister
LAII Science Management Office
E-mail: bhameister [at]

The Science Management Office of NSF's Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions
(LAII) Program is planning a workshop 20-21 January 2005 in Seattle, WA
to develop proposals for synthesis research, explore opportunities for
LAII-type research in IPY and SEARCH, and develop a strategy to advance
the PACTS Science Plan (
Participants will be chosen from applicants who submit a Request to
Participate by Tuesday, 7 December 2004.

The NSF-ARCSS Program has entered a phase in which synthesis,
particularly between system components, is more important than ever. At
the same time, the old programmatic structure (OAII (ocean), LAII
(land), and PARCS (time)) is evolving into a new structure that
emphasizes thematic research that cuts across system components. With
these changes underway, we plan to hold a workshop at which we will do
the following:
a) review and discuss the lessons learned from past and current
synthesis efforts in ARCSS in order to help participants better
understand the synthesis process,
b) foster linkages between LAII-type researchers and those working on
other components of the Arctic System, and in cross-component modeling
in order to help workshop attendees develop strong synthesis proposals,
c) plan terrestrial and ecosystem research that could be undertaken as
part of SEARCH and IPY, and
d) revisit the PACTS Science Plan and determine how we can best advance
toward its implementation. The overall goal of the workshop is to help
ensure that LAII-type research, and LAII-type researchers, remain
relevant and engaged in future Arctic System Science efforts.

At the workshop, answers to questions like these will be explored:
- What are the key linkages between terrestrial processes and ecosystems
and the pan-Arctic System?
- What is the best way to do synthesis (and get it funded) in this topic
- What partnerships need to be formed to effectively integrate LAII-type
research into the larger scope of Arctic studies?

Requests for more information or to participate should be sent to:
Barb Hameister
LAII Science Management Office
E-mail: bhameister [at]

The deadline for Requests to Participate is Tuesday, 7 December 2004.

If you are interested in taking part, please:

  1. Visit the LAII web site for information about LAII

  2. Read through the PACTS science plan
    (, which takes a thematic
    approach to Arctic System Science. This may help you determine if your
    research ideas are appropriate for this workshop.

  3. Send a "request to participate" to Barb at the LAII SMO
    (bhameister [at] by Tuesday, 7 December 2004. Please include
    the following information:

A. A short summary of a potential synthesis topic, including what you
would like to do, where, and what disciplines might be involved.

B. A list of up to six persons (including yourself) that would (ideally)
take part in the workshop and who could provide the sort of expertise
needed to carry out the potential synthesis as described in A.

C. Short biographical sketches for the people listed in B. These are
intended to help us ensure we get an appropriate and diverse group of
people at the workshop and is not a constraint on any final proposal or
research team.

D. Need for travel assistance (limited travel funds are available
through the SMO on a need basis).

Scheduling note: January 24, 2005 is NSF's next annual Deadline/Target
for proposals to conduct research in the Arctic, under NSF 05-514. Keep
this in mind if you plan to submit a proposal for that deadline and also
wish to attend this workshop.

The LAII SMO plans to review the requests and issue invitations that
produce a diverse and enthusiastic workshop group of appropriate size.
Successful requests will be those that demonstrate that their synthesis
research ideas are clearly consistent with the goal of extending and
connecting LAII-type research to the larger Arctic System. We anticipate
20 to 25 participants. We expect to issue invitations no later than

A lot of great research was done under LAII. This workshop is all about
taking the next steps....connecting that research to the larger
questions regarding the Arctic. Taking this step will require the
collective creativity of all of us.

--Matthew Sturm, Chair LAII Science Steering Committee