
Two Ph.D. Studentships Available
Centre for GeoBiosphere Science
Lund University, Sweden

Application Deadline: Monday, 22 November 2004

For further background and position information, please go to:

or contact:
T.R. Christensen
E-mail: torben.christensen [at]

"Emissions of methane from northern wetlands: implications for large scale
climate modelling"

Wetlands constitute the major natural source emission of methane to the
atmosphere. Wetlands will be included in biosphere models and coupled to
parameterizations of methane emissions in order to study the effect of
wetlands on the methane cycle. A hydrological model will be imbedded
into a climate model to determine the non-perturbed wetland areas. The
budget of methane will be studied by introducing a biospheric model and
a chemistry-aerosol component to the Earth System Models. The main task
of this studentship will be to gather and synthesize existing data, as
well as produce new data, on landscape scale and inter-annual variation
in methane fluxes and the factors controlling them. These data will, in
turn, be used for testing associated modeling efforts. The techniques to
be employed include both small scale chamber flux measurements as well
as micrometeorological studies of methane fluxes in natural wetlands.

Candidates should hold a Master of Science in Physical Geography, Earth
Sciences, Ecology, Biogeochemistry, or related subject. Documented
experience in working with micrometeorology and/or ecosystem-atmosphere
exchange studies is an advantage. Preference is given to candidates with
a shown capability of publishing in scientific literature. The EU
GREENCYCLES project encourages female applicants and also candidates
from the new member states of the EU.

"Subarctic ecosystems and their vulnerability to climate change"

The aim of this Ph.D. studentship, which is associated with the EU-ALARM
project, will be to provide data and risk analysis that assess the
likeliness of substantial feedback mechanisms on climate change at the
large scale as well as the more local effects of, in particular,
permafrost disintegration and the implications it has for biodiversity.
The outcome of the proposed studentship will be a series of studies that
will provide a better basis for evaluating the impacts of climate change
on species composition, structure, and functioning in subarctic
ecosystems. The position will also aim to provide a quantified basis on
which to evaluate possible feedback effects on climate change through
changes in ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges of greenhouse gases and
changes in albedo. An associated task within this studentship will be to
help coordinate and administrate a series of ongoing and new
environmental monitoring and research programmes associated with the
Abisko Scientific Research Station's international activities.

Candidates should hold a Master of Science in Physical Geography, Earth
Sciences, Ecology, Biogeochemistry, or related subject. Documented
experience in working with climatological and/or ecosystem monitoring
data is an advantage. Preference is given to candidates with a shown
capability of publishing in scientific literature. The candidates should
also have proven experience with science administration and coordination
of EU projects and have existing contacts within the relevant
international scientific community.

Application Deadline: Monday, 22 November 2004

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
T.R. Christensen
E-mail: torben.christensen [at]