
Reprint Volume Available
"Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres"
Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (LAII)
Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS)

For a complimentary copy, please contact:
Barb Hameister
E-mail: bhameister [at]

Further information on LAII and ATLAS is available at:

In 2003, the "Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres" published a
special section on the NSF-sponsored Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions
(LAII) project on Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System
(ATLAS), composed of papers submitted and accepted from presentations in
ATLAS oral and poster sessions at the 2000 Fall AGU Meeting. The papers
represent early progress from the scientists participating in ATLAS,
which spanned 1998-2003. Also included is an overview paper that
attempts to summarize the status of ATLAS findings as of early 2002; its
scope extends beyond the papers in the reprint volume.

A limited number of complimentary copies of the reprint volume are
available from the LAII science management office and will be
distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

For a copy, please contact:
Barb Hameister
E-mail: bhameister [at]

Further information on LAII and ATLAS is available at: