
New Book Available
"Arctic Governance"
Edited By: T. Koivurova, T. Joona, and R. Shnoro
ISBN 951-634-940-4
Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

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To order the book, please contact
Marja Collins
Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law
E-mail: marja.collins [at]

The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law (Arctic
Centre, University of Lapland) has published a book entitled "Arctic
Governance", providing social science and, in particular, legal
perspectives on Arctic issues.

I International Governance in the Arctic

(1) Keskitalo, Carina: The Arctic as an International Region - But for
(2) Heininen, Lassi: New External Political Structures in Northern
Cooperation and Northern Governance: From Quantity to Quality
(3) Tennberg, Monica: Climate Change and Globalization in the Arctic:
Compression of Time and Space?
(4) Koivurova, Timo: The Regime of the Espoo Convention in the Arctic:
Towards a Strategic Environmental Assessment Procedure

II Indigenous Peoples and Governance, with Special Reference to the

(5) Helander, Elina: The Nature of Sami Customary Law
(6) Valkonen, San na: The Saami Identity and the Politics of Recognition
(7) Loukacheva, Natalia: Comparative Arctic Governance: The Jurisdiction
of Greenland and Nunavut Re-examined
(8) Ford, Violet: Section 35 and the Protection of Inuit Intellectual
and Cultural Property
(9) Pentikainen, Merja: International Human Rights and the Protection
and Promotion of Minority and Indigenous Cultures

III Environmental Governance in the Arctic

(10) Koivurova, Timo: The Case of Vuotos
(11) Ravna, Oyvind: Can Land Consolidation Principles Improve the Land
Use Situation in Reindeer Husbandry?
(12) Heinamaki, Leena: Environmental Rights Protecting the Way of Life
of Arctic Indigenous Peoples: ILO Convention No. 169 and the UN Draft
Declaration on Indigenous Peoples
(13) Paivio, Nils-Johan: Skattemannaratt, or Privilegium Odiosum

To order the book, please contact
Marja Collins
Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law
E-mail: marja.collins [at]