
Post-doctoral Fellowships Available
Inuit Environmental Health
Nasivvik Centre
Laval University

Application Deadline: Friday, 12 November 2004

For further information, please go to:

The Nasivvik Centre is pleased to announce a call for post-doctoral
fellowships in Inuit environmental health.

The Nasivvik Centre is focused on building capacity in Inuit health
research through trainee support and promoting research in specific
areas of Inuit environmental health. The five theme areas for research
and training, as they pertain to Inuit health, are
(1) contaminants, diet, nutrition, and the environment;
(2) healthy homes (e.g. air and water quality);
(3) climate change and Inuit health;
(4) northern environmental health surveillance and monitoring; and
(5) Inuit knowledge and scientific knowledge for environmental health
research (e.g. traditional medicines, research methods for knowledge

Applications are invited from post-doctoral trainees whose research
focuses on an issue related to one or more of the five themes identified

For further information, please go to: