
The Arctic Sciences Section of the National Science Foundation has
released an updated program solicitation for proposals to conduct
research in the Arctic.

The solicitation describes opportunities in Arctic Natural Sciences,
Arctic Social Sciences, Arctic System Science, Arctic Research Support
and Logistics, Arctic Cyberinfrastructure and Sensors and Arctic
Research and Education.

The next target date for proposals to all programs is January 24th,

See the full solicitation NSF 05-514 at for more

The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites investigators at U.S.
organizations to submit proposals to conduct research in the Arctic
including field and modeling studies and data analysis. The goal of the
NSF Arctic Sciences Section is to gain a better understanding of the
Earth's physical, biological, geological, chemical, social and cultural
processes, and the interactions of ocean, land, atmosphere, biological,
and human systems in the Arctic.

Arctic research is supported at NSF by the Office of Polar Programs
(OPP; in the Office of the Director, as well
as by a number of other programs within the Foundation. Program
representatives from OPP and other NSF programs that support arctic
research coordinate across NSF, including joint review and funding of
arctic proposals, as well as mutual support of special projects with
high logistical costs. The Arctic Sciences Section includes programs or
emphasis in the following areas: Arctic Natural Sciences, Arctic Social
Sciences, Arctic System Science, Arctic Research Support and Logistics,
Arctic Cyberinfrastructure and Sensors and Arctic Research and

Researchers interested in submitting proposals for arctic research
should consult this solicitation for information and to determine the
program best suited to their proposed work, NSF 05-514, The next
target date for proposals is January 24th, 2005.