
Second Announcement
2nd European Permafrost Conference (EUCOP II)
Potsdam, Germany
12-16 June 2005

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 31 December 2004

For further conference information, please go to:

The Second European Permafrost Conference, EUCOP II, will cover a broad
range of permafrost research and aims to bring together permafrost
scientists and engineers from a broad international community. With the
objective of developing a highly interesting and scientifically
outstanding conference program, permafrost scientists mainly
representing IPA working groups will be involved in planning and
organizing the scientific sessions. For the conference program, parallel
sessions will be avoided to give all participants the opportunity to
follow presentations which are not directly oriented to their special
field of expertise. Specific program or project groups will be given the
opportunity to organize small workshops or business meetings prior and
after the conference. The Steering Committee particularly encourages
young scientists and engineers to submit papers to the conference.

Preliminary conference themes include:
- Permafrost records of past climate and environments
- Permafrost soils, microbiology, and trace gas releases
- Periglacial landforms and cryogenic processes
- Permafrost-glacier interactions
- Hydrology and sediment fluxes in permafrost regions
- Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopes in permafrost research
- Permafrost monitoring and modelling in the context of global change
- Coastal and offshore permafrost
- Permafrost engineering, land use planning, hazard and risk assessment
in the context of global change
- Permafrost as analog for extraterrestrial systems

Please note that the preliminary themes above may change depending on
abstract submissions.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 31 December 2004

For further information, please go to:

This website provides conference objectives, tentative agenda,
information about travel and accommodations, and steering committee