
Education Grant Available
Indian Education Teacher Training Grant
Rural Education Partnerships (REP)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Further information and applications can be requested from:
John Weise
E-mail: fnjw [at]
Phone: 907-786-6325

The Rural Education Partnerships (REP) is seeking applicants to complete
teaching degrees in the next two years. Indian Education Grant funds
will provide up to $19,800 USD each year to pay for living costs,
tuition, and books to eligible students who can complete a teacher
certification program by 2006 and be hired within six months of

To be eligible for this program, applicants must be Alaska Native
students who demonstrate a desire to become a teacher. Also, applicants
must have at least junior standing in college and a good academic
background to successfully complete the degree in two years.

While participating in the program, students will meet with school
district and university mentors, attend study sessions, successfully
complete required course work, and pass Praxis I tests in order to
advance to student teaching internship in their senior year.

Students must sign a payback agreement to ensure that they complete
the teacher training program and must be hired as a teacher.

Students will be selected on a first come basis.

Further information and applications can be requested from:
John Weise
E-mail: fnjw [at]
Phone: 907-786-6325