
Call for Abstracts
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2004 Fall Meeting
Session GP 09: Origins of Northeast Russia: Paleomagnetism, Geology,
and Tectonics

The AGU Submission Form is available online at:

Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Thursday, 9 September 2004 (Submissions via the web)
Wednesday, 1 September 2004 (Submissions via the mail)

Please submit abstracts relating to the geology and tectonics of
Northeast Russia for a session that in part will honor the work of the
late Leonid Parfenov.

Session Description:
This session will focus on the geologic and tectonic origins and present
day setting of Northeast Russia and the surrounding continental shelves.
Northeast Russia is perhaps the least understood part of the North
Pacific and Arctic Ocean margins, however, the last several decades have
seen many new studies initiated and now is an appropriate time to review
what has been achieved. We invite papers on all aspects of the geologic
and tectonic evolution of the region, including its contemporary
tectonic setting and the implications of its geologic history for
economic geology.

D.B. Stone
University of Alaska

K. Fujita
Michigan State University

P.W. Layer
University of Alaska

W. Nokleberg
U.S. Geological Survey

E. Miller
Stanford University

A. Prokopiev
Yakutsk Science Center, Sakha

Sponsors: Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism

Co-sponsors: Tectonophysics, Seismology, Volcanology, Geochemistry, and

The AGU Submission Form is available online at: