
3rd SBI Pan-Arctic Meeting
"Scaling Regional Studies of Arctic Shelf-Basin Exchange to a Global
Cadiz, Spain
3-6 November 2003

For more information see:


"Scaling up Regional Studies of Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions:
Pan-Arctic and Global Perspectives"

The U.S. Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Project Office is
pleased to sponsor the 3rd Biennial Shelf-Basin Interactions Pan-Arctic
Meeting to be held in Cadiz, Spain, Nov. 3-6, 2003 entitled "Scaling Up
Regional Studies of Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions: Pan-Arctic and
Global Perspectives". The SBI Pan-Arctic meetings are designed to foster
international collaboration on topics relevant to the SBI goal to
investigate the production, transformation, and fate of carbon at the
shelf-slope interface in the Arctic as a prelude to understanding the
impacts of a potential warming of the Arctic. The challenge to the 2003
pan-Arctic meeting participants is to determine what steps are necessary
to "scale up" regional Arctic shelf-basin interaction studies (physical,
biochemical and biological) to the larger pan-Arctic scale in order to
place changes in the Arctic into the context of global ecosystem change.
The meeting format includes invited speakers, poster session and
discussion groups.

Further information on the meeting (agenda, registration forms,
logistics, abstract template) is available on the meetings link on the
SBI website (

If interested in participating in the meeting, please contact Kim Harmon
(kcox2 [at] or Jackie Grebmeier, Director, SBI Project Office
(jgrebmei [at]