
Call for Posters:
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Open Science Meeting
Bell Harbor International Conference Center
Seattle, Washington
27-30 October 2003

For more information, to register, or to submit a poster abstract
online, see:

Poster Abstracts Deadline: 30 September 2003
Reminder: Registration fee increases after 15 September 2003

The first Open Science Meeting for the Study of Environmental Arctic
Change (SEARCH), to be held October 27-30 in Seattle, Washington, will
gather social, physical, and natural scientists, policy makers, and
stakeholders to discuss the latest research on the recent environmental
changes witnessed throughout the Arctic.

Poster sessions at the conference will provide an excellent opportunity
for participants to present their work on any aspect of environmental
arctic change consistent with the themes of SEARCH. A wide range of
topics are welcome, including, but not limited to: observed changes in
terrestrial, oceanic, coastal, atmospheric, and human systems; impacts
on communities, societies, and ecosystems in the arctic and connections
to lower latitudes, feedbacks between system components, drivers of
arctic change, observation and modeling techniques, and science
management and coordination issues.

Poster Sessions at the Open Science Meeting are scheduled to follow
breakout science sessions and panel discussions, creating an excellent
opportunity for lively discussions and informal interaction between
meeting participants. Students and international colleagues are
especially encouraged to submit poster abstracts and participate in the
SEARCH effort.

Poster abstracts will be reviewed and accepted upon submission. There is
no fee for abstract submission. Abstracts may be submitted online at

The deadline for poster abstract submission is 30 September 2003.