
Arctic Ocean Submarine Deployment

For more information please contact:
Robin Muench (rmuench [at]

Dear Arctic Info Subscriber,

An Arctic Ocean submarine deployment is planned to take place this
autumn. This deployment will provide opportunities to obtain water
samples along a cross-Arctic transect. Per usual, the precise locations
and dates are unknown, although the intention is to reoccupy the
centrally situated "cross-basin transect" using expendable xCTD probes.
Part of the track is planned to run near the Siberian slope, which might
provide an opportunity to sample the primary Canada-ward (?) flowing
core overlying the warm Atlantic Water. In any case, it appears that
this will be the only wide-area sampling opportunity for the Arctic
Ocean this year.

If you would like to go after water samples (upper 200 m), then you will
need to ship your sample bottles and an easily understandable written
sampling protocol to arrive in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii no later than the
first week in September. The shipping address is not yet available, but
Robin Muench will have it within a few days and will provide it to those
who respond to this message with a statement of interest.

The deployment is planned to end at Esquimalt, near Victoria, Canada, so
a mechanism would have to be put in place for return shipping of samples
from there to your own institution.

I realize that this is quite short notice, but it does provide a rare
chance to obtain information from a badly undersampled region. If you
are interested, please let Robin know by return email as soon as
possible. Also, please pass this information on to others whom you
think may be interested.

Robin Muench
Member, SCICEX Science Advisory Committee
Email: rmuench [at]