
Special Session at the Fall Meeting 2003 of the AGU:
C04: Ice-Ocean Interactions and the Cryosphere
8-12 December 2003
Moscone Center West
San Francisco, California

For more information about the AGU Fall Meeting see:

Deadline for electronic online abstract submissions:
4 September 2003, 1400 UT

Manfred A Lange
University of Muenster, Germany
Email: langema [at]

Klaus Grosfeld
University of Bremen, Germany
Email: grosfeld [at]

Doug MacAyeal
University of Chicago, USA
Email: drm7 [at]

The exchange of energy, mass and momentum between polar ice and the
adjacent ocean waters comprise important processes in Antarctica and the
Arctic. The mass and energy transfer between ice shelves and the
underlying water is particularly noteworthy. These processes not only
influence the dynamics and mass balance of ice shelves but also exert
significant control on the formation and modification of water masses
beneath and in front of an ice shelf. In this regard, the formation of
deep and bottom water in the Weddell Sea, an important source for the
formation of Antarctic Bottom Water ventilating the world ocean, is
influenced by ice-shelf- /ocean interaction processes, especially in the
Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf region.
(In that regard, the generation of Antarctic Bottom Water, a major water
mass for the entire world ocean in the Weddell Sea, primarily related to
processes that involve the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, is especially to be
The proposed session aims to describe the current understanding of these
processes, as mainly derived from numerical modeling studies and some
experimental investigations. Current attempts to develop and apply
coupled ice-shelf-/ocean models will be of particular interest, but
other attempts, e.g., involving a combination of remote sensing
techniques and numerical modeling will receive equal attention. In
particular, the talks to be solicited should address the possible
impacts of climate change on ice-shelf-/ocean interactions and their
subsequent repercussions/feedbacks to the climate system. In addition,
the session may also provide a first opportunity for the presentation
of- or at least'set the stage' for the UK-NERC AUTOSUB Under Ice
Mission. Given the progress made in recent years, the session is
regarded timely and is expected to present exciting new science results.
Potential participants will include colleagues from the United States,
the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and other nations involved in
polar research.

28 August 2003: deadline for abstract submissions by postal or express mail.
4 September 2003, 1400 UT: deadline for electronic online abstract
5 November 2003: deadline for pre-registration and housing.