
Report Available:
Arctic Coastal Dynamics - Report of the 3rd International Workshop

To obtain a copy please contact:
Volker Rachold (vrachold [at]

The report of the 3rd International Workshop on Arctic Coastal Dynamics
(ACD) including a summary of the workshop results and ca. 35 extended
abstracts is now available:

Rachold, V., Brown, J., Solomon, S. and Sollid, J.L. (2003) Arctic
Coastal Dynamics - Report of the 3rd International Workshop, University
of Oslo (Norway), 2-5 December 2002. Reports on Polar and Marine
Research 443, 127 pp.

Copies can be obtained from:
Volker Rachold
Alfred Wegener Institute
Telegrafenberg A43, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
vrachold [at]

For more information see: