
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers:
The Carbon Balance of Northern Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems and their
27-28 October 2003
University of Helsinki in Finland

For more information please contact:
Harry Lankreijer (Harry.Lankreijer [at]
Torben R. Christensen (torben.christensen [at]

First call for papers for the workshop on The carbon balance of northern
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions.

Organized by the The Nordic Centre for Studies of Ecosystem Carbon
Exchange and its Interaction with the Climate System - NECC

Workshop will be held on 27 and 28th of October 2003 at the Lammi
Biological Station of the University of Helsinki in Finland

Day of arrival Sunday 26th of October
Departure Wednesday 29th of October

Theme of the workshop

The last decennia most of the focus in the analysis of the carbon
exchange of ecosystems has been on forests and agricultural systems.
Also mires and other wetlands have been subject of research and
relatively recently the importance of aquatic systems as lakes and
rivers in the carbon balance has been acknowledged. The aim of this
workshop is to present and discuss the current research on the
interaction of carbon exchange between different Nordic ecosystems in
general and between aquatic and terrestrial systems, in particular. We
would like the presentations during this workshop to focus on this
interaction and the key processes for carbon exchange in aquatic
systems. Presentations covering more general issues in relation to the
quantification of carbon fluxes in and between different ecosystems are
mostly welcome during the poster session.

We invite you to contribute with a presentation to this workshop. As the
workshop is organized on relative short notice, we would like to ask you
to send a preliminary title and abstract of an oral presentation of
about 15 minutes, or of a poster presentation, as soon as possible.
Further information about workshop fee, final programme and final
registration will follow at the end of August after you have send us
your first interest in participation.

NECC is a new virtual Nordic Centre for Studies of Ecosystem Carbon
Exchange and its interactions with the Climate System. It consists of
groups from 14 institutes from Iceland, Danmark, Finland and Sweden. The
centre combines existing Nordic flux measurements of CO2 and methane in
one network.

The steering group of the centre:
Niels-Otto Jenssen, Risø National Laboratory
Timo Vesala, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki
Bjarni Sigurdsson, Icelandic Forest Research, Mogilsa
Pertti Martikainen, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of
Mats Jansson, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå
Anders Lindroth, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems
Analysis, Lund University (Chairman)

With friendly regards,
Harry Lankreijer and Torben R. Christensen

Contact information:
Harry Lankreijer (Harry.Lankreijer [at]
Torben R. Christensen (torben.christensen [at]

Geobiosphere Science Centre
Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis
Lund University
Sölvegatan 12
223 63 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 46 222 4967 or +46 (0) 46 222 3743
Fax: +46 (0)46 222 4011