
Request for Pre-Proposals
Biological Modeling of Herring in Prince William Sound
Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI)
Cordova, Alaska

For more information contact OSRI by e-mail at: frontdes [at]

Deadline: 22 September 2003 (postmarked by date)

The Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI), located in Cordova, Alaska, is
soliciting pre-proposals for herring modeling in Prince William Sound.
Pre-proposals should describe how the herring model will interact with
the present suite of physical models of Prince William Sound covering
ocean and atmospheric physics, and oil spill trajectory and exposure and
how herring would benefit from or be impacted by spill response options
such as on-water mechanical, shoreline clean-up, and dispersion. More
information on these ongoing modeling projects is available through or by contacting OSRI. Pre- proposals should
define and justify which life stages of herring will be modeled,
identify data requirements for initializing and operating the herring
model, and describe a proposed validation program. It is expected that
this modeling effort will interact with other ongoing or planned studies
in PWS conducted by OSRI, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council's
Gulf Ecosystem Monitoring program, or the North Pacific Research Board.
OSRI expects to implement the herring modeling program in fiscal year

Full proposals will only be accepted from Investigators submitting
pre-proposals through this RFP. Authors of successful pre-proposals
will receive notification from OSRI requesting a full proposal and
detailing the procedures for submission and evaluation of the proposals.
Funding available through the OSRI Biological Modeling of Herring in
Prince William Sound project is $100,000 for fiscal years 2004, 2005 &
2006. Matching funds are encouraged but not a requirement of this

Pre-proposals should include the following:
1. Introductory letter on institutional letterhead (no more than 1 page)
2. Description of proposed effort (no more than 5 pages)
3. Citations
4. Resumes or curriculum vita of key personnel
5. Budget for proposed effort

Pre-proposals will be evaluated and full proposals may be sought by OSRI
from one or more candidates through this process. OSRI reserves the
right to reject any or all pre-proposals and makes no guarantee that an
award will be issued in response to this solicitation.

Application Process

One signed original and an electronic version on compact disc of the
pre-proposal (.pdf format) should be mailed to:

Herring Modeling Solicitation
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute
P.O. Box 705
Cordova, AK 99574

Pre-proposals must be submitted in hard copy form. Pre-proposals will
not be accepted by FAX or electronically and must be postmarked by the
due date of September 22, 2003.

Proposal Evaluation

Submissions will be evaluated by the methods described in the OSRI Grant
Policy Manual. Evaluation criteria differ based on the type of project.
In general, submissions will be evaluated by how well they meet the
needs of the solicitation and fill existing research gaps. Experience
of the team members will also be considered. For more information,
refer to the OSRI Grant Policy Manual, Section 4.4.1, which can be found
on the OSRI web page.


Pre-proposals, due by September 22, 2003 (postmarked by), will be
evaluated by the method described above, and those selected for
submission of a full proposal will be notified by October 13, 2003. The
full proposal will be due by December 1, 2003. Awards made as a result
of this competition will be administered in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the OSRI Grant Policy Manual.

Additional Information

The OSRI provides awards for research relating to oil spills in the
Arctic and sub-Arctic, The awardee is wholly responsible for the conduct
of such programs, research and preparation of the results for
publication. The OSRI, therefore, does not assume responsibility for the
research findings, their interpretation or implementation of programs.

The OSRI welcomes pre-proposals from all qualified scientists, engineers
and educators and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons
with disabilities to compete fully in any of the research related
programs described here. In accordance with federal statutes,
regulations, and OSRI policies, no person on grounds of race, color,
age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to
discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial
assistance from the OSRI.

Further questions may be addressed to the OSRI by e-mail
(frontdes [at] or by contacting Nancy Bird, OSRI Director,
at (907) 424-5800.

Date this RFP was posted: July 22, 2003