
Position Available:
Physical Oceanographer at The Norwegian Polar Institute

For more information contact Edmond Hansen (edmond.hansen [at]
or Ole Anders Nøst (ole [at]

Application Deadline: 15 August 2003

The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), Polar Climate Program, invites
applications for a 2-year position as research scientist/postdoc in
physical oceanography.

The successful applicant will conduct research on the role of fresh
water in the dynamics of the Nordic Seas. The research will mainly focus
on observations of Fram Strait fresh water fluxes and the effect of
their variability. A close collaboration with the oceanographers in the
Polar Climate Program working on related projects is expected. The
candidate must be willing to participate on scientific cruises in the

NPI seeks candidates with good knowledge of the Nordic Seas properties
and role in the climate system. Knowledge of inverse modeling techniques
would be an asset. The applicant must hold a PhD or possess equivalent
experience within physical oceanography.

Further inquiries about the position may be directed to project
leader/researcher Edmond Hansen tel. +47 77 75 05 36, e-mail
edmond.hansen [at] or researcher Ole Anders Nøst tel. + 47 77 75 05
13, e-mail ole [at]

Applications should reach the Norwegian Polar Institute, Polar
Environmental Center, 9296 Tromsø, Norway, before 15 August 2003. They
should include a CV, name of referees, a list of publications and
details of the relevant qualifications and experience.