
Doctoral Studentship Position in Marine Ecology (leading to Dr. Scient.)
at the Norwegian Polar Institute/Akvaplan-niva in Tromsø, Norway

For more information please contact:
Dr. Haakon Hop (Haakon.Hop [at]
or Dr. Michael Carroll (Michael.Carroll [at]

Applications due 25 April 2003

The candidate will study Arctic marine ecosystem processes in the
Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone as part of the research project "Carbon
flux and ecosystem feed back in the northern Barents Sea in an era of
climate change", coordinated by the Norwegian Fisheries College at the
University of Tromsø and funded through the Norwegian Research Council
Polar Climate Program. The candidate will be involved in a large-scale,
multidisciplinary investigation of (1) how distinct changes in extension
and duration of the ice cover associated with climate change will affect
the dissolution and biological carbon pump on the Nordic shelves
fringing the Polar Ocean and, (2) consequences of warming on
atmospheric-ocean CO2 exchange, carbon sequestration, food-web
responses, food availability of pelagic fish and the pelagic-benthic

Specifically, the candidate will focus on the benthic-pelagic (and
sympagic = ice associated) coupling processes within the Barents Sea
marginal ice zone, examining community structure and functioning in the
benthos, its links to the pelagic community, and a determination of
trophic structure using analytical tools such as stable isotope
techniques to trace food supply through the Arctic ecosystem.
Bioturbation and rates of benthic remineralization are also of interest.
The work carried out by the candidate on pelagic and benthic ecosystems
will be designed to compliment the work on particulate fluxes and on
sedimentary processes. Under the direction of senior scientists from
Akvaplan-niva and the Norwegian Polar Institute, the candidate will
participate in the three research cruises to be conducted in July 2003,
September 2004, and May 2005.

The candidate is expected to integrate project results across
disciplinary lines, and use modeling and multivariate statistics to
reveal ecological pathways and patterns. The applicant should have
strong quantitative skills with applications to statistical analyses and
modeling. Previous experience with marine food webs and experimental
ecology would be an asset. Academically, the candidate will be linked
and supported by the Norwegian Fisheries College at the University of
Tromsø. The position is formally located at the Norwegian Polar
Institute. Position start is June 1 (July 1 at the latest).

Applicants are asked to send a statement of interest, CV, and
references, by 25 April 2003 to: Dr. Haakon Hop, Norwegian Polar
Institute, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway (Phone: +47 77 75 05 22) or Dr. Michael
Carroll, Akvaplan-niva, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway. Applications can be sent
by e-mail to Haakon.Hop [at] or Michael.Carroll [at]