
Dear Colleagues:

Clarkson University is seeking undergraduate applicants for a REU
(Research Experience for Undergraduates) program in Marine Science and
Engineering sponsored by the National Science Foundation International
Program. It is an eleven-week program with research based in China.

Highlights of this program:
- Subject area: Marine Science and Engineering.All science and
engineering undergraduate students are eligible.
- Research sites: Ocean University of Qingdao, and Dalian University
of Technology.
- Fifteen qualified undergraduate students will participate.
- Duration: 30 May - 10 August 2001
- Schedule: It begins with an orientation at Clarkson University,
followed by a culture tours in Biejing and Xian, research, seminars, and
ends with research report preparation and student symposium.
- Each participating student will receive a $3,000 stipend, room, and
board allowance, travel to and from China, plus about $500 travel within
U.S. between home and Clarkson University.
- Deadline to submit application is: 10 March 2001

For more information about projects, the procedure for application,
and more, please go to:

Please forward this information to prospective applicants.

Please contact the program directors listed here for more information or
if you have questions or comments:

Professors Hung Tao Shen and Hayley Shen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699-5710
Phone: 315/268-6606
Fax: 315/268-7985
Email: htshen [at] or hhshen [at]