
Preparation Workshop Available
EUROFLEETS2 Regional Calls
18-20 February 2014
Tallinn, Estonia

Extended deadline: Monday, 20 January 2014

For further information, please go to:

A preparatory workshop for EUROFLEETS2 ship-time calls, organized within
the EUROFLEETS2 program, will be held 18-20 February 2014 in Tallinn,
Estonia. Additional information on EUROFLEETS is available at:

EUROFLEETS2 offers a unique opportunity to get fully funded access to
European Research Vessels. The workshop aims at supporting emerging
researchers in writing competitive proposals for ship-time and providing
acquaintance to the available vessels, equipment, and instrumentation.
The workshop specifically aims at encouraging the participation of
scientists from countries with limited access to such equipment, and
further developing specific strategic priorities for selecting study

The workshop will give European early career scientists with good
ideas/projects the opportunity:

- To take advantage of the presence of EUROFLEETS2 personnel for
questions or concerns relating to the calls;
- To have a meeting point for research groups which already plan to
submit a proposal to the EUROFLEETS regional calls; and
- To get in contact with other colleagues interested to submit a
proposal in the same area.

Participation is free and open to European young scientists and PhD
students (in the latest stage of their doctorate) in marine related

Extended deadline: Monday, 20 January 2014

For further information, please go to: