
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1.    Deadline Extended: Call for Abstracts
        46th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
        5-9 May 2014
        Liege, Belgium
  2.    Deadline Extended: Call for Abstracts
        Kodiak Area Marine Science Symposium
        22-25 April 2014
        Kodiak, Alaska
  3.    Call for Abstracts
        Session 18e: Life in Ice - Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of the
        Earth's Cryosphere
        2014Goldschmidt Conference
        8-13 June 2014
        Sacramento, California
  4.    Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
        WWRP Polar Prediction Project
        World Weather Open Science Conference
        16-21 August 2014
        Montreal, Canada

  1. Deadline Extended: Call for Abstracts
    46th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
    5-9 May 2014
    Liege, Belgium

Organizers of the 46th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics,
entitled "Low Oxygen Environments in Marine, Estuarine, and Fresh
Waters," announce an extended call for abstracts. The colloquium will be
held 5-9 May 2014 in Liege, Belgium.

The extended deadline is: Friday, 24 January 2014.

Low oxygen conditions have been reported for various aquatic systems
ranging from lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas to offshore regions
where water ventilation is not able to renew the oxygen consumed by
degradation of organic matter. The 46th Liege colloquium will
investigate new developments and insights related to the critical
problem of ocean deoxygenation and low oxygen zones in marine and
freshwater systems.

Organizers welcome abstracts covering all aspects of low oxygen
conditions in aquatic systems and offshore regions. Those interested in
participating in one of the thematic sessions should indicate the
session in their abstract.

Extended deadline for abstract submissions: Friday, 24 January 2014.

For further information; including the complete list of thematic
sessions, the scientific committee, and directions for registration and
abstract submission; please see:

  1. Deadline Extended: Call for Abstracts
    Kodiak Area Marine Science Symposium
    22-25 April 2014
    Kodiak, Alaska

Organizers of the Kodiak Area Marine Science Symposium (KAMSS) announce
an extended call for abstracts. The symposium will convene 22-25 April
2014 in Kodiak, Alaska.

The extended deadline is: Friday, 31 January 2014.

KAMSS will provide a forum for state, federal, and academic researchers
to present results the fishermen, students, residents of Kodiak Island,
and others interested in understanding how Kodiak's marine environment
and resources function, change, and affect their lives and livelihoods.
Organizers seek presentations from those who have conducted research in
Kodiak area waters.

There is no charge to attend the symposium, but registration is
encouraged so that organizers can accommodate all symposium participants.

For more information, to submit an abstract, or register for the
symposium, please go to:

For questions contact:
Julie Matweyou
Email: julie.matweyou [at]
Phone: 907-486-1514

Kate Wynne
Email: kate.wynne [at]
Phone: 907-486-1517

  1. Call for Abstracts
    Session 18e: Life in Ice - Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of the
    Earth's Cryosphere
    2014 Goldschmidt Conference
    8-13 June 2014
    Sacramento, California

Organizers announce a call for abstracts for the session entitled, "18e:
Life in Ice - Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of the Earth's
Cryosphere." This session will convene during the 2014 Goldschmidt
conference, which will be held 8-13 June 2014 in Sacramento, California.

The 2014 Goldschmidt conference will provide a forum for sharing recent
developments in geochemistry and related fields. This session will bring
together biologists, biogeochemists, glaciologists, and astrobiologists
to debate the most recent advances in understanding habitation of the

The cryosphere includes frozen environments derived from freshwater
(e.g., snow deposits, glacial ice, lake ice), salt water (e.g., sea ice,
ice shelves, saline lakes) and soil (e.g., permafrost). Each type of ice
presents different physical-chemical constraints to microbial
inhabitants. Many organisms survive long-term encasement in an ice
matrix and, in some cases, have adapted to metabolize and even thrive
within the ice. There is increasing evidence of their ability to
influence the formation and decay of icy interfaces and to play
important roles in the cycling of carbon and other elements within the
cryosphere and the adjacent atmosphere, ocean, and soils. Habitation
of the cryosphere also provides model systems for considering the
evolution of life on Earth and possible analogs for life on other icy
planets and moons.

Abstract submission deadline: Saturday, 8 February 2014.

For further information, to submit an abstract, or register for the
conference, please see:

Or contact:
Alex Anesio
Email: A.M.Anesio [at]

Jill Mikulki
Email: jmikucki [at]

Jody Deming
Email: jdeming [at]

  1. Session Announcements and Call for Abstracts
    WWRP Polar Prediction Project
    World Weather Open Science Conference
    16-21 August 2014
    Montreal, Canada

Organizers announce a special session, the World Weather Research
Program (WWRP) Polar Prediction Project, and call for abstracts. This
session will convene during the World Weather Open Science Conference,
which will be held 16-21 August 2014 in Montreal, Canada.

Session organizers welcome papers that contribute to the development of
improved weather and environmental prediction services for the polar
regions on time scales from hours to seasonal. The following topics are
of particular relevance:

  • Guidance on optimizing polar observing systems and on coordinating
    additional observations to support modeling and verification;
  • Development of data assimilation systems that account for the unique
    characteristics of polar regions;
  • Development and exploitation of ensemble prediction systems with
    appropriate representation of initial and model uncertainties in polar
  • Improvement of the representation of key polar processes in coupled
    models of the atmosphere, cryosphere, ocean, and land;
  • Improvement of knowledge in two-way linkages between polar and lower
    latitudes and their implications for prediction;
  • Determination of predictability and identification of key sources of
    forecast error in the polar regions;
  • Development of verification methods suitable for the polar regions; and
  • Understanding and evaluation of the use of enhanced prediction
    information and services in the polar regions.

Abstract submission deadline: Monday, 24 February 2014.

To submit an abstract or register for the conference, please go to:

For further details about the WWRP Polar Prediction Project, please see:

For further information about the World Weather Open Science Conference,
please see: