
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Abstracts
    44th Annual International Arctic Workshop
    15-16 March 2014 (Saturday and Sunday)
    Boulder, Colorado

  2. Call for Abstracts
    10th Annual Polar Technology Conference
    15-17 April 2014
    Bloomington, Indiana

  3. Save the Date
    2015 Arctic Science Summit Week
    23-30 April 2015
    Toyama, Japan

  4. Save the Date
    11th Conference on Hunting Gathering Societies
    7-11 September 2015
    Vienna, Austria

  5. Save the Date
    Northern Regions Mining Summit
    28-30 May 2014
    Vancouver, Canada

  1. Call for Abstracts
    44th Annual International Arctic Workshop
    15-16 March 2014 (Saturday and Sunday)
    Boulder, Colorado

Organizers of the 44th Annual International Arctic Workshop announce a
call for abstracts. The workshop is hosted by the Institute of Arctic
and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado, and will be
convened 15-16 March 2014 (Saturday and Sunday) in Boulder, Colorado.

The Arctic Workshop is open to all interested in high latitude
environments, including those of the past, present, and future. The
theme of this year's workshop is "Arctic's New Normal--shifting
environmental baselines over decades to millennia and comparisons with
the Antarctic." Although not required, organizers encourage participants
to tie their talk to changing environmental conditions in the Arctic.
Contributions documenting changes in and around Antarctica and
comparisons of responses between the two polar regions are also
encouraged. The schedule of the workshop will be as follows:

- Friday, 14 March. Icebreaker Reception in early evening
- Saturday, 15 March. Talk and Poster Sessions all day
- Sunday, 16 March. Talk and Poster Sessions most of the day

Assistance is available for a limited number of students from any
country giving a talk or presenting a poster. Such support will help
cover most of registration, meals, and more.

Abstract submission deadline: Saturday, 1 March 2014.

For further information, please go to:

Or email:
ArcticWS [at]

  1. Call for Abstracts
    10th Annual Polar Technology Conference
    15-17 April 2014
    Bloomington, Indiana

Organizers of the 10th annual Polar Technology Conference announce a
call for abstracts. The meeting will be hosted by the Pervasive
Technology Institute of Indiana University, in Bloomington, Indiana on
15-17 April 2014.

The primary purpose of this conference is to bring together polar
scientists and technology developers in a forum to exchange information
on research system operational needs and technology solutions that have
been successful in polar environments. This exchange of knowledge helps
to address issues of design, implementation, and deployment for systems
that are to achieve their research goals in the polar regions.

Discussions on intra- and inter-national cooperation in site deployment
and maintenance are encouraged. Informal breaks allow for opportunities
for networking and information exchange. A poster session is also
included. Previous years' lists of presentations and participants can be
found through links on the conference website.

Presentation abstract deadline: Friday, 14 March 2014.
Suggested poster abstract submission deadline: 18 March 2014.

For further information, please go to:

For questions, please email:
register [at]

  1. Save the Date
    2015 Arctic Science Summit Week
    23-30 April 2015
    Toyama, Japan

The 2015 Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) will be held 23-30 April 2015
in Toyama, Japan. The website for the meeting is currently available,

ASSW is the annual gathering of international organizations engaged in
supporting and facilitating Arctic research. The purpose of the summit
is to provide opportunities for coordination, collaboration, and
cooperation in all areas of Arctic science. IASC's 25th anniversary will
be celebrated during ASSW2015. The summit presents an opportunity to
review IASC contributions and recognize those who have been instrumental
in its founding, development and growth. ASSW2015 will also include the
3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III) and
the 4th International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-4). These
four day symposia create a platform for exchanging knowledge, inspiring
cross fertilization, and promoting collaboration. The summit attracts
scientists, students, policy makers, and other professionals from all
over the world.

For more information please see the enclosed first circular or visit the

  1. Save the Date
    11th Conference on Hunting Gathering Societies
    7-11 September 2015
    Vienna, Austria

Organizers announce announce that the 11th Conference on Hunting
Gathering Societies (CHAGS 11) will be held at the University of Vienna
on 7-11 September 2015.

Additional information will be posted on the conference website as
available, at A first call for session
proposals will be announced in the near future. To subscribe to the
CHAGS 11 newsletter, send an email the subject 'subscribe' to:
chags11 [at]

For further information, please go to:

  1. Save the Date
    Northern Regions Mining Summit
    28-30 May 2014
    Vancouver, Canada

The Institute of the North announces the Northern Regions Mining Summit,
to be held May 28-30 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, at the
Pinnacle Marriott Hotel.

The Summit will address the social, cultural, and economic impact and
opportunity of mineral resource development for Northern peoples in
Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. The organizing committee invites the
Arctic Community to attend and participate in this unique forum for
exploring the relationship between responsible mining and benefits to
Northern peoples. Recognizing that the North American Arctic has vast
reserves of mineral resources--from traditional base and precious metals
to rare earth elements and coal--the Summit will explore:

- Policy development and regulatory environments
- Fiscal regimes and return on investment
- Community engagement and social license to operate

It will provide an interactive, meaningful opportunity for
cross-government engagement and cross-sectoral communication among
participants, resulting in practical recommendations to address the
challenges faced in northern exploration and development.

Speaker and agenda information will be distributed as developed. For
sponsorship or speaking opportunities, please contact Nils Andreassen
(nandreassen [at], 907-786-6324).

For more information and to register, please go to: