
Call for Applications
"Regional 2 Call" 2013
Ship Time and Embarked Equipment

Application deadline: 16:00 (CET) Thursday, 27 March 2014

For more information and eligibility criteria, go to:

For questions, please contact:
Email: eurofleets2 [at]

EUROFLEETS2 is a European Union (EU) funded project providing scientists
with 200 fully funded days of ship-time and 104 fully funded days of
marine equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any
field of marine sciences. Applications are now being invited for funding
for ship-time and/or use of marine equipment on the "Regional 2" Call 2013.

Application deadline: 16:00 (CET) Thursday, 27 March 2014.

This call makes available a total of 13 research vessels and five pieces
of marine equipment: Marum-MeBo, two 3D HDTV cameras, ROV Liropus, and
ROV Max Rover.

Research vessels are offered on the following regions: Polar/Subpolar,
North Atlantic, North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea, Baltic Sea, and
Bay of Biscay.

For more information about this call, go to:

For more information and eligibility criteria, go to:

For further questions please contact: eurofleets2 [at]