
Live Web-Streaming Available
Year of Polar Predictions Project Summit
Monday - Wednesday, 13-15 July 2015
WMO Headquarters
Geneva, Switzerland.

Live web-streaming can be accessed at:

For more information on YOPP and the YOPP Summit, see:

Organizers of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) Project Summit
announce that live web-streaming of the summit is available to the public.
The summit will convene Monday through Wednesday, 13-15 July 2015 at the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Headquarters in Geneva,

The goal of YOPP 2017-2019 is to enable significant improvement in
environmental prediction capabilities for the polar regions and beyond,
by coordinating a period of intensive observing, modeling, verification,
user-engagement, and education activities.

A key element in the planning of YOPP is the YOPP Summit. This
high-level event aims to:

  • Provide an overview about the present level of planning,
  • Engage with stakeholders and identify expectations and requirements,
  • Bring the community interested in YOPP together,
  • Gather formal commitments from parties interested in YOPP,
  • Present the key-elements of YOPP and revise the research priorities if necessary,
  • Agree on at least two intensive observing periods,
  • Coordinate YOPP with other planned activities,
  • Agree on the YOPP data legacy, and
  • Review the YOPP education and outreach component.

Below is a brief overview about all sessions (all times are CEST):

Monday, 13 July 2015
1300-1320: Session I, Welcome and Introduction
1320-1400: Session II, Background
1400-1600: Session III, User Relevant Aspects
1630-1830: Session IV, YOPP Observing Component

Tuesday, 14 July 2015
0830-1020: Session V, YOPP Modeling Component
1050-1150: Session VI, YOPP Data Component
1300-1330: Session VII, YOPP Education and Outreach Component
1330-1500: Session VIII. Partner Initiatives
1520-1620: Session VIII, Partner Initiatives (continued)
1620-1625: Introduction to breakout groups sessions
1625-1815: Breakout group sessions

Wednesday, 15 July 2015
0830-1000: Breakout group sessions (continued)
1030-1230: Session IX, Final Planning Session

The live stream will be available at:

For more information on YOPP and the YOPP Summit, see:

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