
Webinar Available
Outcomes of Arctic Horizons
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Collaborations Webinar Series

Webinar date: Monday, 17 July 2017 at 1:30 p.m. EDT

Further information and instructions on connecting to the webinar are available at:

For questions, contact:
Jessica Rohde
Email: jrohde [at]

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) will host a webinar on the outcomes of the Arctic Horizons project. This webinar will be hosted via Zoom Video Conferencing and open to the public.

The Arctic Horizons project brought together members of the Arctic social science research and Indigenous communities through a series of workshops to reassess the goals, potentials, and needs of these diverse communities and the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Arctic Social Sciences Program within the context of a rapidly changing circumpolar north. The Arctic Horizon's Program Manager and Principal Investigators will describe the outcomes of the workshop series, including the soon to be released final synthesis report which will describe the community's vision for the future of Arctic social science research.

Webinar speakers will include:

Andrey Petrov, University of Northern Iowa
Colleen Strawhacker, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado
Shelby Anderson, Portland State University
Anna Kerttula de Echave, National Science Foundation

Further information and instructions on connecting to the webinar are available at:

For questions, contact:
Jessica Rohde
Email: jrohde [at]