
Four Calls for Session Abstracts
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

11-15 December 2017
New Orleans, Louisiana

Early abstract deadline:
11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Abstract submission deadline:
11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, 2 August 2017

For further information about the meeting and abstract submission, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is currently accepting abstract submissions for the 2017 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held 11-15 December 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Conveners of the following four sessions invite abstract submissions:

  1. SESSION 26759: The Role and Impact of a Pan-Arctic Observing Network in Delivering Societal Benefits
    Conveners: Steven M. Lev and Jason Gallo.

Earth observations in the Arctic contribute critical data that help achieve national and international objectives across a range of domains, including food, energy, and water security; transportation; and natural resource development. The international Arctic scientific community has identified the need for a sustained and integrated pan-Arctic portfolio of observing systems to support the delivery of services and to meet operational and research objectives. The community needs reliable information to identify current reliance of Earth observations to deliver benefit in the Arctic and observation gaps that need to be addressed. In this session, methods for identifying and quantifying the contribution of, or need for, Earth observations in the Arctic and case studies that examine the application of Earth observations to the delivery of societal benefit in the Arctic are of interest. Methods and case studies that address specific applications of Earth observations, information products, and indicators by Arctic end-users are encouraged.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Steven Lev
Email: slev [at]

  1. SESSION 27058: Foundations for Sustained Arctic Observing: Connecting Observational Networks to Societal Benefit
    Conveners: Matthew L. Druckenmiller, Hajo Eicken, Sandra Starkweather, and Jan Rene Larsen.

As the Arctic region faces rapid climate, environmental, and societal change, a sustained Arctic Observing Network has been identified as necessary for coordinating research priorities, observations, data collection and management, and knowledge mobilization to meet societal needs. The desired interconnectivity extends both across the Arctic's foundational research and observing infrastructure and across the science, local and Indigenous, policy, and stakeholder communities necessary to ensure comprehensive approaches to providing societal benefit across and beyond the region. The success of a network relies on mechanisms and well-communicated strategies for assembling sustained contributions that are resilient to funding constraints, evolving research priorities, and emerging challenges for science and society. This session will discuss various components of a sustained Arctic Observing Network, such as, but not limited to, best practices for delivering information and data services, the development of climate and early warning indicators, and community based monitoring.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Matthew Druckenmiller
Email: druckenmiller [at]

  1. SESSION 27233: Indicators of Arctic Climate Variability and Change
    Conveners: Uma Suren Bhatt, John E. Walsh, and James E. Overland.

As the Arctic undergoes rapid change, monitoring indicators of the climate system for variability, as well change, are needed to advance our understanding of the underlying processes. In addition, climate indicators provide a clear and concise way to communicate the state of the system to various stakeholders and communities. Organizers invite abstracts that explore indicators focused on the high-latitude earth system that improve the understanding and ability to predict links and feedbacks between various components of the Arctic natural and social system. Papers on indicators that utilize existing and planned observational data in the Arctic in addition to those based on models are encouraged. Submissions may focus on physical, biological, or chemical processes or human dimensions.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Uma Bhatt
Email: usbhatt [at]

  1. SESSION 25318: Observation and Modeling of Processes and Feedbacks Contributing to Arctic Amplification and Its Global Linkages
    Conveners: Wieslaw Maslowski, Scott Harper, Renu Joseph, and Timothy P. Stanton.

Earth system models (ESMs) have made progress in representing Arctic climate change and its trends, however gaps remain in understanding and model representation of critical processes and feedbacks within the Arctic system. Reasons for that include a limited knowledge and challenges in representation of such processes and interactions in ESMs due to a combination of coarse resolution and inadequate parameterizations. The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Arctic Science Plan identifies some necessary steps, including closer coordination and integration of observations and modeling, for improvements to increase fidelity of Arctic system models, their capability to project future changes, and their use for decision making. Organizers solicit papers that advance understanding of the Arctic system through focused studies of physical processes and feedbacks contributing to Arctic amplification, their parameterization and evaluation within ESMs, along with Arctic - mid-latitude linkages, with an ultimate goal of reduced uncertainty and improved prediction of Arctic system variability and change.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Wieslaw Maslowski
Email: maslowsk [at]

Scott Harper
Email: scott.l.harper [at]

Renu Joseph
Email: Renu.Joseph [at]

Timothy Stanton
Email: stanton [at]