
AGU Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts: Fire's Impact on Air Quality and Climate

Call for Session Abstracts
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

11-15 December 2017
New Orleans, Louisiana

Abstract submission deadline:
11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, 2 August 2017

For further information about the meeting and abstract submission, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is currently accepting abstract submissions for the 2017 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held 11-15 December 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Conveners of the following session invite abstract submissions:

SESSION 29194:
Fire's Impact on Air Quality and Climate - Measurements and Predictions Across All Scales
Conveners: Carsten Warneke, Ravan Ahmadov, R. Bradley Pierce, Susan O'Neill, Amber J. Soja, and Johannes W Kaiser.

Wild and prescribed fires, agricultural burning, and open burning emit unique aerosol and gas phase pollutants to the atmosphere. The physical and chemical processes affecting the evolution of fire emissions are complex, and remain poorly understood. As a result, several recent and upcoming field and laboratory campaigns are focused on this topic, including: NOAA FIREX/FireLab; DOE BBOP; NASA FIREChem; NSF/NCAR WE-CAN; and JFSP FASMEE. Atmospheric models are indispensable tools for understanding and prediction of air pollution caused by biomass burning emissions. In recent years, a wide range of modeling tools have been developed to simulate fire behavior, biomass burning emissions, and their impact on atmospheric composition, human health and visibility. Here we invite presentations focused on laboratory, field and satellite observations as well as modeling analyses of biomass burning emissions, their chemical transformation and transport, and their impacts on air quality and climate at all space and time scales.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Amber J. Soja
Email: amber.j.soja [at]