
Call for Session Abstracts
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018

11-16 February
Portland, Oregon

Abstract submission deadline:
11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, 6 September 2017

For further information about the meeting and abstract submission, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and the Oceanography Society are currently accepting abstract submissions for the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting. The meeting will be held 11-16 February 2018 in Portland, Oregon.

Conveners of the following session invite abstract submissions:

  1. SESSION 27542: The role of small-scale processes in the dynamics of the changing Arctic Ocean
    Session Chairs: Georgy Manucharyan and Mary-Louise Timmermans.

The Arctic Ocean and sea ice are undergoing marked changes under continued global warming. Observations indicate that Arctic Ocean circulation, stratification, freshwater, and heat content have been changing in response to atmospheric winds, reduced sea ice cover, increased solar warming, changing freshwater sources, and advection of heat from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Ocean heat and salt transport by flows at all scales are contributing to sea-ice losses, the distribution and storage of freshwater, and associated feedbacks across the Arctic. Basin-scale changes are profoundly affected by small-scale ocean processes such as mesoscale and submesoscale turbulence, wave breaking and vertical mixing. This session invites submissions that explore the influence of small-scale processes on sea ice and large-scale Arctic Ocean dynamics and thermodynamics. We welcome theoretical, observational, and modeling studies on eddies, waves, mixing and stirring, and their impact on basin-scale Arctic variability and change.

For more information and to submit an abstract to this session, go to:

For questions, contact:
Georgy Manucharyan
Email: gmanuch [at]

Mary-Louise Timmermans
Email: mary-louise.timmermans [at]